social anxiety
Not Every Recluse Suffers From Social Anxiety Disorder
Not every reclusive person suffers from social anxiety disorder. Some people just don’t like to mingle. Some people find themselves uncomfortable in social situations and avoid them not so much out of fear, but out of preference . Personally, I love being home alone. I love not having to explain myself, to persuade others to […]
Hoof in Mouth and Post Social Anxiety
One thing that had happened to me as I’ve gotten older is that I really have stopped giving a shit what people think…for the most part. It’s what I think about myself that matters and that assessment is often challenged through social interaction. Yesterday I experienced some unexpected social interaction with my neighbors. After going […]
Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic?
Look, I know I don’t post here enough. I’m too busy trying to survive these difficult economic times to devote energy to the things I value most, like this Web Site, but I read this article in the New York Times today that is so good, so important that I had to pass it on. […]
Steps to Beat Social Anxiety
Here are the steps for conquering social anxiety: Social anxiety is a very common problem. There are many causes, but most people can recover without any type of counseling by a professional. If you have this problem, the effects of it can be quite unsettling. There may be feelings of isolation, self-consciousness, or nervousness around […]
Defining Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety Defined Diagnosing social anxiety can be complex since the symptoms can be so diverse. This anxiety might manifest as a specific fear in some individuals, involving drinking and eating. Some individuals experience anxiety when writing and speaking around others or before a group. Another symptom is fear of public restrooms and difficulty using […]
Dealing With Social Anxiety Disorder
Coping with Social Anxiety Disorder One of the most common disorders in our society is social anxiety. There are many causes of it, but most people can work to overcome their anxiety without need of a professional therapist. If you have this ailment, the symptoms can be very unnerving. You may feel like you are […]
Living With Social Anxiety
The Social Anxiety Experience Social anxiety is a problem that can affect millions of people around the globe. It can be transient, due to significant events in a person’s life, or can be a chronic problem that can can have a crippling effect on the lives of those it touches. The symptoms can vary widely […]
Social Anxiety and Networking
A few weeks ago, I attended my first social networking meeting in many years. I was inwardly uncomfortable from the second I arrived. Though I concealed it fairly well, my inward awkwardness prevented me from taking advantage of a host of opportunities that presented themselves. I did speak with many people, mainly because they approached […]
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?
The third most common psychological disorder is social anxiety disorder, which , in this country, affects close to 20 million people. This condition is marked by an excessive degree of self-consciousness. Sufferers feel as if they’re always being watched and judged. It manifests in a heightened degree of anxiety during social situation. Social anxiety disorder […]